Security Center

Report a Security Issue

I have received a phone call / text message from Small World.

We may send you text messages for informational or promotional purposes, depending on your marketing preferences. However, please be aware that cybercriminals have developed sophisticated ways in order to get you to click on links or call phone numbers, pretending to be companies. Below you can find some examples of text communications Small World may send to you:

We will never contact you from a number other than the ones listed below. 

Account / Country 

Telephone Number 

Small World Belgium 


Small World France 


Small World Germany 


Small World Ireland 


Small World Netherlands 


Small World Sweden 


Small World Switzerland 


Small World UK 




Small World API Operational notifications 


Small World Portugal 


Small World Serbia 


Small World Spain 


If you have any doubts if a specific communication comes from us, don't respond – please contact us, and we will confirm. 

If you suspect that anybody else could have accessed your Small World account or carried out transactions on your behalf, please contact us immediately. We will help you investigate the latest transactions and verify them with you. If needed, we are here to support you with additional actions or help you change your account credentials.

If you receive an unusual email claiming to be from Small World you should never click any links nor open any attachments. Please forward the email to cybersecurity, and we will investigate it. 

You can also learn how to spot fraudulent emails or calls by learning more in our Social Engineering Section of the Security Centre. 

Cookies Policy

At Small World, we use own and third-party cookies to give you the best browsing experience possible, as well as being able to analyse your browsing behaviour. You can accept all cookies by clicking the "ACCEPT ALL COOKIES" button or configure or reject their use by clicking the "COOKIE SETTINGS" button. Click on our Cookie Policy for more information