Security Center

How do I best protect my online accounts?

How do I create a strong password?
 Some of the most common cyber-attacks related to user credentials involve password guessing/cracking through various computer techniques. In the end, it comes down to this: the simpler your password is, the more likely it is to be guessed by someone else. To avoid using passwords that are too simple, there are several steps you can take: 
When creating a password, avoid using public or easily obtained/guessable details about you. Examples of things to not include in your password include names of your family members, close friends or pets or date of birth. 
Avoid using only common words that can be found in a dictionary. 
The longer (8 characters at the very minimum) and the more variety of characters your password has, the better. This prevents your password from being guessed by people or machines. By expanding the number of possibilities (due to the length and number of different characters), it is harder for cybercriminals to guess your password. 
Use passphrases, which are a set of words that are easy to remember. Combine these passphrases with a special character and avoid including public details about yourself, and you have a strong password. For example: “ThisI$mySTRONGp4ssw0rd” is a better password than “Thisismystrongpassword”. 
If the service/platform allows you to do so, you can use additional authentication methods such as SMS/email/app verification codes, biometrics, etc. It is considerably more difficult for a cybercriminal to manage to compromise two or more different authentication factors than just one. 
 Both your username/email and your password are required to access your online accounts. You should avoid sharing them with other people or writing them down in places where they could be accessed by others. A serious online service provider will never ask you for your account credentials, such as passwords, in e-mails or SMS, as they can perform the necessary tasks associated with your account without this information. If you are asked for them, it may be an attempt to defraud you. 
In short, if the account is yours alone, no one else should know the login details. 

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